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Saturday, May 30, 2009



Thursday, May 28, 2009








Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sorry,I don't love u...

Okay I know you like me very much..BUT wait!I really cant stand it everytime,when I see you,the way that you express your love to me,it’s too passionate for me dear.You like to run forward in 120km/hour of speed towards me and starts to do some “disgusting” action.You like to molest me ah…Not only YOU!but……all your friends as well!!!!!Urgh…YOU!YOU!YOU!

I don’t owe you anything right?Did I offend you before?Why everytime when I step into someone’s house with YOU around,(especially the bigger YOU),you will run to me and start licking me? disgusting and I don’t like it at all…yer…Somehow,you seem to be knowing that I scared of you huh?Yeah,I did.I really scare that you will mistaken my arm as delicious food and my leg as drumstick and have a bite…Why you don’t let go of me?Instead of others,you will always choose me…I don’t like YOU!:c Even when I go jogging,so many of your friends are barking at me……woo…I don’t like you at all....You dont look at me one kind.I wont like u after all...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


今天,我回到了Shalom,我以前工作的地方。再次踏上这个熟悉的楼梯,有点紧张,有点害怕,怕没人理我咧。Hmm..谁知,当我一踏进课室的那一刹那,有好多大朋友,小朋友冲了过来,把我围住,抱着我。真的好感动。虽然我已离开一年了,但是,小朋友们还是记得我,那么的爱戴我,我真的好感动。我那两个“徒弟“啊,虽然他们没冲过来,但是,我还是可以看到兴奋之情写满了脸上。真的好想念那一段日子啊!太高兴了。这些小朋友的拥抱,流露自他们最自然的心里,毫不害羞,好羡慕他们。如果,大人们,也能像他们一样,勇敢 的对他们所爱的人表达出最真挚的爱,无私的,那就好了!就不会那么复杂了!但是,人,随着成长,也为自己筑起了高高的一面墙来保护自己,深怕别人会侵入。东方的父母啊,更是如此,不把爱放在嘴里,而是放在行动上。所以我说,这就是“爱在心里口难开”。想要对父母说一句“我爱你”是多么的困难啊,父母也是如此。为什么呢?为什么那句话却迟迟说不出口?明明关心,却。。。却。。。又说不出来。话到嘴边了,又被我吞回去了。我真该打!取而代之的,却是另一些话。为什么?内疚了,下一次,又重蹈覆辙了。天啊!

Monday, May 25, 2009


What are these people doing:??Hmm…Shh…..keep quiet.They are focusing now,trying to figure out something or generating power kut…When I saw this pic,I really laugh out loud.But I was doing my mask then,cant laugh that broad.So have to “kek”,cannot laugh….so difficult not to laugh!Aiyo….really miss the moment la…:p

P/s : This is Lew Kai Xian师母的招牌动作。Copyright reserved.

Picture taken from sinying's fb.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Alarm!How a man fades away...

Slowly fades away.How a man can fade away so easily.It doesn’t happen in just a day.But how fast it is!Today I met with an old friend.Caught this opportunity to ask about her brother,my old colleague while I was working in Shalom…I really hope he was doing fine.But sadly,he fades away.hmm…..It’s so easily to be influenced by the world.Slightly careless,and I will slip.Temptation surrounds me almost everyday,every moment,it’s test from God.Sometimes I pass,sometimes I failed.It’s more important to know where I fail and get it right again.But world is cruel and sometimes doesn’t allow us to amend our mistakes.He used to be a godly guy.He has passion for God,love for kids and commitment to family.But I really disappointed when I was told that he fades away just like that.Fall into wrong relationship,just like what my parent did last time.It;s so dangerous and it is a trap of MR S.A.Tan…and I believe it is the most easily trapped trick for young adults nowdays.Now I have learnt a lesson again.He really speaks.He does.I knew my boundary by now and know that,this,is what I will end up to be if I contimue my fantasy.Thank God that You remind me.I want to wake up from this dream.I want to get out from this trap.Desire can destroy.esecially the wrong ones.That;s how it fades away.How easy it is.Unless it is your will,I will wait on Your plan for me.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009




Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy Teacher's Day!

Today is teacher’s day.Managed to go back to my school,where I had stayed there for SEVEN years… “BELOVED” Sekolah Tinggi Kluang…But it’s always good to be back.After more than a year.I managed to see many teachers,regardless my form1 to form5’s teachers,or form 6 teachers…..happily chit chatting away as the teachers still remembered us….hahahaha:)

Stay at school for almost 3 hours I guess.walked past many roads which I had walked,ran before,passed by many classrooms,garden….all of the memories brought into my mind…..well…I’m glad tat I made the trip la after all….at least I didn’t know that my teacher miss our badge so badly,kept praising us wor..not only one teacher,but most of it o!:)

After that,went for a movie with Erin and Sean.…..Should go and watch!Its a good movie and it’s worth watching!strong recommended here!:)

Happy Teacher's Day!

Today is teacher’s day.Managed to go back to my school,where I had stayed there for SEVEN years… “BELOVED” Sekolah Tinggi Kluang…But it’s always good to be back.After more than a year.I managed to see many teachers,regardless my form1 to form5’s teachers,or form 6 teachers…..happily chit chatting away as the teachers still remembered us….hahahaha:)

Stay at school for almost 3 hours I guess.walked past many roads which I had walked,ran before,passed by many classrooms,garden….all of the memories brought into my mind…..well…I’m glad tat I made the trip la after all….at least I didn’t know that my teacher miss our badge so badly,kept praising us wor..not only one teacher,but most of it o!:)

After that,went for a movie with Erin and Sean...Should go and watch!Its a good movie and it’s worth watching!strong recommended here!:)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Happy Belated birthday,WYE LI~

To my beloved dearest WYE LI~ From left:Y Li,Tshan,Kxian,Derrie

Happy belated birthday to you!Specially dedicated this post to you...

miss you lots.miss the time while you were still staying beside me,always walking out with an apple,a plate and a knife...miss the time when we squate before tshan's room and chat till midnight.miss calling out your name.."WYE LI~~~~~~"

Thank you for being such a dear and caring friend and sister to me.Thanks for your care,your support and your advice while you were still with us.Even though you have lft OPTO,you still will care ,we still can chat through msn…You are a girl with great personality.You have your own idea,independent and you are adorable!hehe it;’s true!It;s really my blessing to get to know you.

So,now,you got your golden key.I sincerely wish you a very blessed birthday.May God continues to bless you,guide you and turn you into a woman after His own heart.May you be showered with abundance of love,joy peace and happiness in your path ahead.

Really wan to apologise for leeting your aeroplane few times.hmm…I really do believe somehow we must meet again,soon!before that, I will keep you in my heart de o!All the best to you,dear sis.Take care and God blez!:)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

我看完Slumdog Millionaire 了!~

终于,我抽出时间看完了”SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE”了。题材虽算普通,少不了爱情故事,但不失为一部好电影!电影从头到尾都是在印度拍摄的,演员们也一众是印度演员。也搞不清楚他到底是好莱乌电影,还是宝莱乌电影。

故事开头以一对小兄弟,Salim 和Jamal 在平民窟闹事出场。刚开始还真的蛮像pantcy说的,拍摄的的确是当地的平民窟,情况太糟糕了,看了,还真的想令人作呕。但是,电影实在是有那么点吸引人。有一幕,Jamal 为了见偶像,不惜跳进粪坑,变成了一个“屎人”冲了出来,向偶像讨签名。这决心还真奠定了他以后要寻回他爱人的决心啊!

被宗教份子攻击,Jamal 和 Salim 的妈妈被攻击,两兄弟也听着妈妈的话,逃啊,逃啊,就逃出了人生的历练出来了。同时,也有个小女孩Latika紧跟着他们俩讨生活。三人被人贩子拐走,当起了小乞丐,还误把坏人maman当圣人咧!热爱唱歌的Jamal差一点就变成了“陈伟联”(新加坡一位盲人歌手),因为maman要把他眼睛用汤匙挖出来,盲人唱歌挣多一点钱嘛!所幸,Salim救了他。两兄弟和Latika又逃啊,逃的。只是,这次,两兄弟成功跳上一列火车,但Latika却没这么侥幸了。从此,两人分散了。

故事延续到后来。。。我就不提细节了。因为要你们自己去看。〔可以跟我拿!:)〕Jamal 就这样,经历了人生的起起落落,误打误撞地给他闯入了”WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE”的节目。是命运在眷顾他吧。从1000块起的问题到一百万的问题,他竟然都能回答出来。每一题,他都亲生经历过而知道答案的。好神奇吧?当然也因此被警察请去问话罗!但问不出个所以然,因为他的经历是千真万确的。



最后一幕,Jamal和Latika 重逢。Latika说:“我以为我们只有在死后才能在一起。”他说了一句,“这是命中注定的。”命中注定。是啊!生老病死,家人,朋友,甚至是未来伴侣,不都是命中注定的吗?不需要刻意寻找的,是我的,就是我的,不是我的,就不是我的。


Thursday, May 14, 2009




Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Aiyo~since I come back to Kluang...I have a great task to do wow....have to become tuition teacher for my niece,not elementary sch,but only kindergarten ler....Really test my patience lo..What to do?haiz....The kid...really will let me 抓狂!never quiet,never keep still...asking question keep saying "I dunno"...stretch,stretch strecth... dont think im so naughty when i was young gua....Bluek~

I like kids.I really do.HOWEVER,this is only valid when they are little angel.When they turn into little devil....whoa!it's a good training for me to be a future mother man...(now i only know how our mummy brought us up o....)erm...if not too far still,its a training for me to face some people in my life with lotsa patience...After all,no cane la.will just hiak hiak hiak..."if u dont listen to me,u will know!"

Tuesday, May 12, 2009



Sunday, May 10, 2009


Hmm......Since Now im in I will try to improve my blog by making some changes to my blog lo:)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

A day without laughter.

I really dont want to post sad post anymore...But i cant....This place is the only place where i release my feeling,I cant hide and i wont hide.I dont mean to make anyone of you cry or feel sad.Its just from the bottom of my heart.

9th May--first day in KTSN...nothing special but somthing miss out.first day without donald duck,pantcy and watermelon.Saw tshan's orange slipper nicely place in front of the door,i nearly went to knock her door,kacau more.Sadness.I just cant control myself.It invaded every part of me.

Went to pc bengkel with LYNN.Well,a boring one.took chance to call tshan,knew tat they are shopping and eating together wif our coursemates,dimsum....Loneliness attacked us.Even Lynn.Both of us felt so down,so down.Sometimes I really think did i made the right decision?There is always pain in the offering.I hate.I hate this feeling.I hate the feeling of missing someone so badly.needless to say got so many more.Its so agonising.Every place that I went,There was a scene brought back into my mind.Argh.I want to leave this place.

Word cant really describe my feeling right now.the emptiness,the loneliness,the sadness....its mixing up together.I do really miss u all.Why?The sense of belonging was once so strong.yet now suddenly can i endure.My fault.I rarely called ppl,but today,i actuaaly called twice!Dear friends,do u know what is your weight inside my heart now?A day without laughter,without running sound,without teasing came to an end.There will be 1000+ days more to go.

Ahh...dont say le.later will poison me even more.I want to be strong.To be strong in living without u guy's accompany.To be strong to endure the suffering of seperation.To be strong to laugh again.I want and I will.Just give me some time.

Friday, May 8, 2009


好快喔!三天两夜的浪加威之旅结束了!hmm...虽然这一次好象没玩到什么东西似的,想坐览车又碰壁没开,但是,还是满享受的啦!第一次坐飞机,坐快艇,还真的有点怕怕的。驾车的coursemate朋友,你们都好geng啊!Lynn,我太太太佩服你了!你驾车时,又稳,又快 ,坐你的车真的好有安全感!:)

旅程呢,就不多提了,因为也不外乎是到eagle square拍照啊,去island hopping 啊,把我的衣服弄得好臭好臭,走走逛逛啊,买免税巧克力啊。。。。值得一提的是,langkawi岛上的人民好象都好悠闲喔!驾车好像有那么一点点慢。(虽然对我而言,那是我的正常驾车速度。哈!〕


我对这一次旅程或许有一点点的遗憾。或许是之前的期望太高了吧,也或许出现了一点点(希望只是一点点〕的沟通问题,让我对这趟旅程的热诚浇息了不少。但是,我还是一样,尽可能玩得尽兴了。也对某某些人另眼相看哦!有些coursemate好gentleman 哦!会保护女生,驾车的会停着等,帮忙提东西,确保没人落在后头。值得鼓励!nya nya好开心!哈哈!


Monday, May 4, 2009



nasi goreng ayamjagung水
