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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Done?Not yet?

Praise God~
Finally the troublesome matter settled edi...Thank God!That means I can go for both PC camp & Sarawak Trip lo~^^

Cert is done
Card is done
Room not yet tidy
Job not yet certain...
Laptop not yet buy.....

Done & Not Yet Done.....

Anyway,I can forsee that I will have a fruitful holiday~!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Afterexam effect

Life After exam....

Seems to be more hectic than before...Everything clash together...Hopefully can sort it out~

No matter how, start the holiday with playing ...hahaha=)

Then, should settle serious matter lo....Quite troublesome and headache...

And...I just want to go home.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Learn to say "No"

My friends said Im very easily got cheated ( which I thought is true)...From the experience i oways share with them, from my laptop,handphone till the saloon...WHY is it so?hmm..Am I too innocent?Am I trusting ppl too easily?Am I can be persuaded too easily by people?Well, all of these possibilities are high but I think there's another possibilty that always made me fall into dilemma.. that is --> soft hearted ==" I do not want to but I just cant help sometimes la....Do not assume that this is good as sometimes this heart can really drag me...T.T NO matter is I paiseh want to say no or Im very easily being persuaded la....Really have to learn to say "No" le......

Monday, April 19, 2010


Got knew of two of my friends' grandmothers passed away almost at the same time.Though I know, life and death are a normal and necessary cycle for all human beings to pass through,the grief and sorrow still cant be shed away so easily.The pain of losing loved ones, especially when they were not being saved, it is a very sorrowful things.I couldnt bear to imagine...Deepest condolences to them...

Life only travels once, some short, some long, what matters is the meaning and zeal that we brighten up our lives.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Memorable moment~

Finally,I managed to share the testimony today..SO nervous as today Service chaired by Pastor,Praise& worship lead by another Pastor, and Sharing by another Pastor from australia ...wa...such a "Pastory" SUnday service and me, a little member had to share my little and simple testimony!~

BUt thank God for He had made everything smooth~NO stutter,and the moment was just filled with joy~^^Praise God~=) AT that moment,how I wished that my parent were sitting down there listening to how God changed my life...

I was actually at my witness' for today's testimony sharing~but God made a turn for me...and He has turned what I been facing past few days into testimony~hehe~Thank God for that~!I would say that today's testimony sharing is a sharing of my encounter with God in this exam period of time and experience of His faithfulness~

It is a "to be continued" testimony~It was a memorable moment for me,as a representation of my walk with God...^^I hope when I have chance to share again,I would testify how God actually see me through~!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


说真的,现在的我,真的没有很好。电脑证实死亡,电话电池又坏了,期中考成绩,一团糟。就连现在,期末考了,还是一样。我真的有念书,但是,还是错的一塌糊涂。身为学生,打击其实很大。学生珍惜的东西,我好像都碰到了一点点挫折。。就好像圣经里的约伯,坏消息接踵而至,一夜之间,失去了所有。约伯说," 难道我们从神手里得福,不也收祸吗?"会痛的教训,才会真正学习和记得。这个学期的教训,我会永远记得。




Monday, April 5, 2010

Are you happy?

I asked you, "are you happy?"? You seems to be happy .... I dont know this is what I want to hear or not .... As long as you are happy, that's it.^^