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Thursday, July 29, 2010



真难过!我觉得我又被骗了也~还沾沾自喜的以为找到了最好的价格的小熊花,谁知道, 在我正要离开时,突然发现转角处摆着更大个的毕业熊熊。真的好好奇,趋前一问,啊,心痛极了~比我那自以为很便宜的那一束还要大而便宜~!!!简单来说,我又被砍菜头了!唉。。真的很讨厌我自己也。。为什么一直被人骗?刘恺娴啊,难道你不能学精明一点吗??买什么都被人家坑。。。真气我自己!这一次,钱感觉上花多了,不值得的熊熊,没关系,我难过的是,姐的毕业只有一次,我这样都无法为他找到最好最大的毕业熊熊。。。唉,欲哭无泪了。。

Monday, July 26, 2010


Sunday, July 25, 2010


It is not easy to go through,
my desire and my commitment to God
bear the pain,
bear the team,
bear the social network.
hang on ...
have breakthrough,
truly surrender to Him.
coz i yearn
what's going to happen.

"My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in your weakness." 2 Cor 12:9

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Junior Welcoming Night~

Yesterday had a great time in CF junior welcoming night..Praise God for so many juniors actually turned up for the event despite super duper heavy rain.....=) They are so open, so cute and look still fresh~hahaha=) It's just a blessing from God that He has sent so many junior to UKMKL this year!Revival~Revival~Revival~!!^^

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Today I tried to open a door for a junior who left her key inside...tried to open the window and climbed in but not succeed.Thus, I left lo..Little did I know, later in noon, I saw that junior walked past with her family...I saw someone familiar~Eh, he's my ex primary sch mate!!

"Don't tell me she is your sister?"(wat a silly question!)
"Ya la, she is my sister lo!Do take care of her!"
Hahahaha =)

I mean ...the world is so small...k, wrong words..KTSN is so small..
The junior I tried to help in the morning turn out to be my ex sch mate's sister..and it has been a long time I didnt meet him lo..kind of suprise to see him in KTSN..

So, is this co-incidence?AT first i would answer "YES"..but after thinking back, I think "NOPE"..This is not a coincidence~everything happens for a purpose!

Im going to win you over, Janet, so that you can win your brother over~!^^

Wednesday, July 14, 2010



Sunday, July 11, 2010

Back From MMP~!

Finally I have finished my duty as an PC in Minggu mesra pelajar~woah~It is a much more tougher job comparing to last year,where i was just a PC BSMM who slept all day long in BSMM room~lol=) Seriously lack of sleep,body aches,but still have to be the most semangat ppl to the juniors..WHY?becauze the juniors are quite passive and not sporting la!rily kena pissed off sometimes~don't mean to shout but...sometimes they just too degil edi..dont listen,not sporting..However,towards the end,they finally got lil bit changes le gua~hopefully~

Being a PC for 2nd yr,I would say that Im not regret at all~In fact,I enjoyed it~although have to listen to the same ceramah for 3 times(exactly the sam=="),meet angkasawan 3 times, Sleep in DECTAR many many times,DECTAR is the best place to sleep for all the PCs...I truly enjoyed la~Though there were conflicts bet PCs,I couldn't care less as I just want to be a PC tat serve and...Scold ppl!lol!=)

Till the end,those PCs who appear every morning till the night..the juniors wont really remember.normally they will just remember those funny PCs who can bring up the atmosphere.bit sad la,frankly,when juniors cant recognise but I had realised that PC is actually a job without asking for return(except the merit la=p),if it is not due to the passion and commitment...soon,will burnt out le~Thank God i'm still alive~hahaha=)

It's a good experience lo~Very tired but enjoyed!Many ppl ask me, does it worth to sacrifice ur holiday to become PCs?susah susah,tak cukup tidur,eat sucks,body aches..hmm..i would say tat,it WORTH!coz I have learnt so much in it and that is another interesting page of my uni life story book~lol~