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Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Have been here for more than two months le…starting from the 10 until now,from unknown and unfamiliar until can chat happily together,went through thick and thin,sharing tears and joy….I thought our relationship will last….I really hope so….But somehow,the last thing I would want to see actually happened.Crack.An united family began to have a minor crack in between.It’s not obvious,and the crack is so small until it’s like invisible.However,crack is still a crack.I know,remain together in a BIG family is not easy,can be said as IMPOSSIBLE,but somehow I can feel there is a barrier….Why?I want to be equally good to all the family members in this family.Sometimes,I’m not given a chance.Sometimes,I am not taking initiative.Partly my fault too.Anyway,before this crack grow bigger,I will try my very best to amend.This is the least thing I can do.


Lo Kelween said...

crack? what happen, again?

kaixian said...

crack in term of relationship i miss u all those in pu2b2...all are so innocent,happy and pure.unlike here,can see clicks...

Lo Kelween said...

really? i don't think you particularly miss me ba.