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Monday, December 27, 2010



Saturday, December 25, 2010

Blessed Christmas~

Christmas isn't Christmas till it happens in your heart.

Thank God for Christmas this year that I had the feeling that I was first touched in the Christmas of my first year of convertion. That year, th Christmas was warm and filled with love. This year round, though I din't expect much from God, but He kept continue adding unto my life..

Thank God for our caroling..that was first time ever singing the good news in junior's room. The joy of sharing the gospel is overflowing and outaking our tiredness. ALl glory to God and blessed are the ears who heard the carols!=)

Thank God for the Christmas party! Indeed, praise Him as quite a number of my coursemates made it for the party.Thanks for their attending and I really hope that they were blessed by the food, the carols and the testimonies thathad been shared that night. =D

Thank God for the Christmas service the next day, that is today, Christmas day! Though I was a little bit of disappointed as some of my visitors couldnt attend last minute, I was still blessed by the performance and the singing of the brothers and sisters. It really touched my heart to come back to God , again.

Thank God for the seed been sown. Pray that it will grow, sooner, later. Praise God that this Christmas is not just a merely Christmas as I received blessings from others, but in turn, blessing & loving others turn out to be the greatest joy of celebrating Christmas. Merry Christmas & Have a blessed new year ahead!=)

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Never once ever since I study in KL, I felt so down want to go back to KL this time round =( This is the first time I felt such devastation going back to KL...Idon't know why....I just feel like wanna cry...=(

Full of fear;
Running away from the reality & temptations;

O no!I don't wanna go back!T.T

Friday, December 17, 2010



从月头的北马之旅 + 全国大会 --〉吃吃喝喝一路玩到槟城,震撼极带挑战性的集会。。肚子也无福消受槟城美食,泻了整整一天。。


隔天前往巴西古当社区服务--〉文化震撼 + 为民服务。。回家时养父母都哭哭啼啼,我却异常兴奋要回家。。

回家途中急转弯,冒着没巴士回家风险到了笨真一日游。。女人,真的可以很善变的!哈哈!多谢婷姐不辞劳苦在我们到龟咯岛啪啪走。。然后赶着做灰姑娘,赶搭巴士回新山。深怕流浪新山,没的 返家。。

感恩,顺利在十点前回到我的窝。。哈哈。。可我也没闲着哦。。忙着发展路线,绞尽脑汁,满怀期待隔天即将下来居銮玩的朋友。到处survey 朋友哪里有美食可寻,因朋友都是好吃之人嘛!呵呵。


本来大家直奔居銮是冲这南芭山而来。谁知,还是要说,女人,是善变的。突然大家对麻坡的puteri gunung ledang 热诚满满,征求了伟冰同学的同意后,果断地说走就走,晚上直奔麻坡!爽快!连我这个主人家也被拉去了。哈哈~

年轻人嘛,有一个位睡,什么都无所谓啦。。一路坐到盆骨抽筋也在所不惜!哈!连家住麻坡的lynn 妹妹也来凑热闹!隔天直奔金山~天不作美,下起了雨。。但下雨算什么?根本浇不息我们的登山壮志!果真,上了去,天气晴朗了起来。太棒了!还有,碰到了好心人家,给我们留下一堆食物,原来天下真的有白吃的午餐的!哈哈!

