

Sponsor Me

Thursday, December 13, 2007

How God speaks to you?

Someone asked me:”How you know your God speak to you?In what way?Did He uttered words?”Well,my answer for him is God has His unique way speaking to each and everyone of us……no matter through words(which is quite rare),dreams,visions,through third person,during worship……He always has His way to speak to our lives.

Well, recently,I got back from ESPlosion camp….Before I went for it,I attended a prayer meeting and I felt that there is a wall that hindered God and I…seemed to lose the desire to seek Him….Thus,I asked God for breakthrough in the coming camp….Let’s see How God responded to my prayer?

Pastor Elijah spoke straight to my heart.He pointed out what s the problems faced by youths ,or rather Christian nowadays.We,or I tend to live with our own strength we did almost all kinds of activities,but our hearts are not devoted completely to Him.We looked good from the surface,but rotten in the hearts.Pastor Elijah said we.Christian are created to become a victor,an overcomer,a conquerer….etc.How can we overcome problems if we depend on our own?

How true it is!!!To me,I always look matter in MY perspective but not God’s..For me,sometimes I didn’t really know it is God’s will or MY will….Yes,I have to adopt God’s kingdom’s perspective…”For God’s thought is not my thought,God’s way is not my way…….For heaven is higher than the earth……”Ultimately,lean not on our own,but look upon Him….and we are lacked of the fear of the Lord…How scary it is!Pastor’s word makes me worried!and my foundation started to shake.

Anyway,throughout the end of the camp,God did dealt with my anxiety,my fear,my question…Praise God. It AMAZING.yeah,I serve a living God!He assured me with the promise that He had made to be with me.Though this year camp is not so 轰轰烈烈like last year,but I still enjoyed in His presence,enjoyed the peace He had given to me.I just want to stand up for His calling.No matter how tough it will be,I believe God will have His way with me.

Well, after “spiritual “part,comes fellowship part.VERY happy that wei kuan and chen yeh joined us….i don’t know whats their feeling..but frankly I enjoyed to talk to them….maybe due to our same age ba…..Chen Yeh looked quiet….hope he enjoyed the camp,felt regret as I didn’t have the chance to talk to him deeply,to know how they felt.Anyway just hope that they went home with a blessed heart,gaining some “knowledge” at least….or some friends,like primary school mate..haha:p

Right after I reached home,my heart speared by one of my’s hurtful,hurtful enough.But I forgave her.because she didn’t know anything better.after my analysis,I think there are few factors that made her think I kena rasuk:
1) I am not functioning well as a light in my house.
2) I am not acted well as salty salt in my house.
3) To her,I changed from ok to worse…
4) To her,Christianity is about singing songs,read bible,go to church ONLY.
“Lord,forgive her!She doesn’t know what she was talking!”

My conclusion:Even when God seemed to leave you,never ever believe your ephemeral feeling.He stands by you all the times.Just cling on to Him and you will be blessed.May God be glorified!

The End.


Lo Kelween said...'s this issue again. forgive and forget is not easy if we are to depend on our will. what is ephemeral ah? :)

kaixian said...

well,next time i will try to shorten my post as you are the only reader:C Ephemeral is short or sudden i think.go check dictionary la!actually this time's theme is on holiness.forgive and forget is after the camp....