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Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Undenialably,in our lives,many people walked past...Some will leave a DEEP footprint in our hearts,no matter that step is painful or helpful...different people help us,at least me,to be a better person.NO matter that one is good guy or bad guy...They have trained my patience,stretched my patience to the limit.I always thought that I am very patient but till today,I only realised that Im actually NOT!Anyway,Its a good lesson for me,I believe NOT to become a 烂好人all the time..夹心人不好当..Oooo....if it is like that,i will never live out myself.Some,do help me to stretched my confidence,test my ability,inspire me to move along.Some,really test my character,how to control anger,how to be resourceful and 圆滑。。Uni life already so complicated.I wonder will I survive when I step out to work??

该洒脱时 我要洒脱
该坚强时 我要坚强
该坚持时 我不退让
该软弱时 我不逞强
该感性时 我不理智
该理智时 我不乱来
该发奋时 我不偷懒
该执着时 我要执着



Anonymous said...

jia you oh kai xian!!

L said...
