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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

To my laptop

My dear laptop,

How poor fated you are.You just 1.5 years old.I never use you for purposes other than doing assignments,facebook,msn,searching information....Why?Why you wanna protest by spoiling your mother board?I really dont understand what have I done that made you now lying in computer shop,graspping for air.....The price to save you is rather to buy a new laptop...What should I do?abandon you?

Life without you is troublesome.Having going around borrowing laptop in order to finish my homeworks and online....However,thanks to all my friends who willingly lend me a day or two to save me from all unfinished task.

By the way,life without you sometimes makes me gain more time for God and for myself.I miss you tho.

Your owner,
Kai Xian~


tingshan said...

aww...u poor lou kung...:(

Jennifer_Chee said...


Lo Kelween said...

wah....poor thing...poor baby laptop...